The truck, a rearview mirror and deodorant..

By , April 29, 2010 7:18 pm

Sometimes you got to get creative with the things that you got. You have all seen that I’m driving an old truck here, hmm? And sometimes things break on old trucks.

A couple of days ago, the rear view mirror fell from the window. The glue that attached it stopped working. So, I bought some adhesive specially made for rearview mirrors from the automotive department in Wallmart (you really can buy anything in that store..). Following the instructions, I had to take the old glue off the window and rearview mirror. Scraping it off as best as I could, but not able to get everything off, the instructions said that I needed to clean the parts that would be sticking against eachother with alcohol. Of course, I got beer and beer has alcohol, but that’s the sticky kind of alcohol. I needed something else, something cleaner with alcohol. Which got me thinking until I found what I needed.

Deodorant! Deodorant has (some kind of) alcohol in it, I remembered. So I grabbed my can of deodorant and sprayed the window and tried to clean it. Which worked! 😀 So I didn’t only got my rearview mirror back on the window, but it’s also a lot cleaner now.. AND it smelled great for a while!

So, here’s my advice, if you ever want your windows cleaned, but don’t have any alcohol or whatever to clean it with? Use deodorant. Worked for me..

One Response to “The truck, a rearview mirror and deodorant..”

  1. Harm en Liesbeth says:

    Sublieme aktie!!!
    Ruikt je auto nog steeds lekker?
    Groetjes en liefs,
    Pa en Ma.

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